We generally associate sedans with larger, 4-door, closed-roof cars that may comfortably sit 4 or 5. an honest thanks to recognize a sedan is by its fixed B-pillar between the front and rear windows.
Alternatively to a coupe, a sedan is technically defined as any closed-roof car with greater than or capable 33 cubic feet of rear interior volume.
This makes me wonder if the recent self-defined “four-door coupes” are literally coupes by definition. This includes the Lamborghini Estoque, the Aston Martin Rapide, and also the awkward Porsche Panamera. I’m having a controversy understanding the aim of a four-door coupe. If it's such a little rear interior volume, what’s the advantage of it having four doors?
If you are looking for a sports car that also has two seats in the back, get a 2-door coupe in an 2+2 configuration. If you would like a family-hauler, get a sports sedan!
Alright, so we all know the technical difference between a coupe and a sedan. Now what? I’m still calling a 2-door car a “coupe,” and a 4-door car a “sedan.” No need for this confusing technical differences. We want to ignore the marketing BS being employed, even though the term “four-door coupe” is technically correct.